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Love Question

will he take me back?

me and this boy loved each other for three
years!we have never dated.but we love each
other a lot!but...i change my mind about
likeing him.i dont know why but then i dident
like him anymore.he got a little sad.not really.
but now i like him again!!!!!!do you think
he will like me again?:(
 jeftelover posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

rebaj2010 said:
obviously he willlll. if you both loved eachother than his feelings couldnt of changed tht much. and if you rlly love him i think you should tell him that, before he changes his mind. because if he doesnt no u love him again he may think is okay to start liking some1 elsa 2.
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posted over a year ago 
ok.thx 4 the help!
jeftelover posted over a year ago
Snerkie said:
Judging by your age you're very young. I doubt it was "love" and more like a good friendship (when you're older you'll understand what love really is). What you need to seriously decide though is if you do like him more than a friend or not. It's not fair on him for you to go back and forth deciding how you feel and effecting him each time. What i think you should do is wait a year or so, just be a good friend to him because you know you can do that and when you're that bit older you'll know whether you like him more than a friend or not without messing him around.

Also he'll be talking to you again within a few weeks if you just be a good friend.
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posted over a year ago 
beatles1fan said:
It is a possibility. However, he you keep liking him on again off again, do you really like him?
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
First off, if you just up and decided that you didn't like him anymore, than you didn't really love him. I think you need to sit down and really think about what your feelings are. If you come to the honest conclusion that you still have feelings for him, sit down and talk with him. See where he stands on his feelings. Honestly, that's all you really can do.
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posted over a year ago 
jackie12 said:
well haz he move on and if u didnt lyk him foe a while tha aint love sweetheart love neve stops foe a person it dont matter how much time u guys got in fights a person u so say u love tha dnt stop and mabey he will take u back but he might hav move on think abou it theres other poeple in the world hez not someone u could always comeback to everytime he aint ur toy but just wen u make a chose think forward too!!!!!:)hope i help!!!
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posted over a year ago 
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