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Love Question

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What would you tell me if I would tell you that I'm in love with my teacher which is about 16 years older than me and she's leaving school after one week. Should I risk it and tell her what I feel or burry it inside of me and hope it will be gone ?
 Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

r-pattz said:
"after one week"? If you've only known her a week, you aren't in love with her. It's not possible. You just have a crush, and crushes are easy enough to get over, especially since you really don't know this teacher well.
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posted over a year ago 
No I think I'm in love with her for 2 years BUT she will leave school after one week and in September I will not see her again so I don't know if it wort it to tell her or not.
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
(And Hellohoudini's suggestion is a good one. Keeping busy keeps idle "what-if's" away.)
r-pattz posted over a year ago
@r-pattz: Well when I first met her she was OK but I didn't feel anything for her (in fact I hated her for a while) but by a time I discovered what do I feel and it was hard to admit that. I just hope I will meet in my life someone who I will love more and who will love me back.
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
Hellohoudini said:
Wow you're in a tough spot and I feel for you...BUT in todays world...if it got out that you told your teacher your could make life hell for her...people would be outraged that she had in fact done something to you to make you feel that way...and with you being only 13...she could be brought up on charges and her life and career could be ruined even if she was found innocent....if it was me...I would love from afar...and let her go without saying anything...if it was meant for you to be will find each other later on in life when trouble is less likely to find you.
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posted over a year ago 
Well I feel like that too but what if I will tell it only to her and she will or will not tell it to anyone else. I just don't want to make wrong choice.
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
I think the wrong choice would be to tell her....wait til youre older...if you feel the same way when your 17 or 18 then tell her....what good would be to tell her now? I'm sure youre parents wouldnt let you go off with her....and what if she already has a love and a family of her would be awkward and she could end up hating wouldnt want that right?
Hellohoudini posted over a year ago
141516 said:
um wow idk what to say that is major i never been in love with a teacher i think u need to fine love with a girl not a women im sorry
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posted over a year ago 
inuyasha15 said:
I probably say go for it just pull her aside out of the classroom and tell her you should probably whisper it in her ear though. Hope this helps and good luck!:)
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posted over a year ago 
Well people from there said that I should keep it as a secret so I'm not sure. And what should I say to her ? "I love you. I always loved you" ?
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
xenriquegrl said:
I wouldn't tell her. I know usually it would be right to tell someone that u love that u have feelings but this is ur teacher. Instead, I would tell somebody that i trust. Talk 2 someone else like a bff. U r gonna miss her but sadly with the age difference and all, it's not meant to be. Who knows, maybe you'll find someone better!
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posted over a year ago 
Well my BFF can be bitch sometimes and I don't want her to use it againts me. I told little bit of it to other my friend and then anayone doesn't know about it.
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
What about family? Cousins maybe?
xenriquegrl posted over a year ago
Maybe I can try it I just don't want anyone to read it cuz it would be really big problem for me.
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
shivers-zimmy said:
I don't think your in love with her. Just go with the bury it inside you thing-it will go away. Next time, find someone your own age. You're not like a little kid right?
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posted over a year ago 
No I'm almost 14. It's hard to be in love with whoever I want cut you can't control love. If I could control it I wouldn't be in love with her.
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
Awww, such sweet words! But, no offense, I don't think she'd be too taken with the idea of a 14 year old being in love with her. . . Try forgetting her, that's really all I can say.
shivers-zimmy posted over a year ago
I know I can only dream about it. I'm keep trying but it's not that easy :-(
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
You'll get the hang of it. Try finding someone else and it will help. Promise.
shivers-zimmy posted over a year ago
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